Alvin Charity


Thanks for your interest, here's a bit about me, in narrative form.

My interest in writing began as an outlet for all of my high school-aged thoughts and feelings, but as I began to enter the workforce, I realized that written communication was something that I truly loved. Early on I tried to emulate Beat Generation and 19/20th century Russian writers, eventually settling on my own style. My love for language also led me to a deep interest in linguistics, specifically sociolinguistics and how meaning is created among various (often disperate) groups in a society. Or workplace, for that matter.

While developing my writing chops I also started playing music with friends, and my writing turned to lyrics that often sat at the intersection of poetry and quasi-political treatise. With making music came some dabbling in graphic design for show flyers and album art, and a deep, long-lasting interest in audio engineering.

Later, while working under mentorship of a rather fantastic manager, I began to perform data analysis, write reports and instructional guides. This mostly began as a way to train my assistant manager so I could finally take a few days off of work, but we quickly realized that comprehensive training guides did not exist for most aspects of the organization. I felt lucky to help develop the process of documenting SOPs, hiring processes, and management training across the organization.

Eventually, I began to tinker with programming and the command-line, writing tiny Bash scripts to create ics files for training events, and moved on to using JavaScript (via Google Apps Script) to create more robust business workflows. And those workflows needed documentation and I was certainly up for the task.

Alongside all of this writing experience, I also managed to teach myself enough Linux system administration to help migrate two different company intranets to new platforms, and develop a document schema and knowledge base for each. This systems experience coupled nicely with my ever-increasing love of programming. Oh, and I also held a PMP certification for a few years during this time as well, which has proved to be invaluable to many areas of my life, often unexpectedly.

And finally, today I continue my love for programming by designing automations, markup languages, and small web applications. I will use any opportunity I can to learn a new language -- I have previously dabbled with Lua, TCL, J, F#, and I'm currently learning more about Ruby and Go. I still play music from time to time, and have collaborated with several film making friends to provide a score for their projects. And most importantly, I still write. Sincere thanks for taking the time to read.

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